The brainchild of Francois Thibaut, Founder of the renowned Language Workshop for Children and The Thibaut Technique, Professor Toto is the only series of interactive language lessons created by a practicing specialist and child-tested in classrooms.
Throughout this interactive experience, your child gets to meet Professor Toto’s friends in a world filled with child-friendly characters, catchy and emotionally-engaging songs, and relatable situations that bring meaning and relevance to each and every lesson.
We immediately sat down with Hannah to watch it, and she was totally absorbed and repeated quite a few words with excellent pronunciation… these videos are great!
Before we turn on the computer, Logan quickly puts in his request, “Toto, Toto!” From the moment the first notes of the opening song he is hooked. Very often he is too excited to sit down… Even after viewing the videos many times, he still waits in anticipation for each segment