3 Ways to Bring Language Learning to Game Night
What’s the trick to getting young kids excited about learning a second language? Make it fun! Whether through themed weeks, unique activities for kids, or virtual trips around the world, the more exciting you make learning for your kids, the faster they’ll pick up the language.
Whether it’s Go Fish or Monopoly, weekly game nights ensure you and your little ones have one night of the week set aside for laughter, connection, and social-emotional learning. Add language learning to the mix and you’ve got a recipe for academic success! Here are our top three games for interactive language learning.
Guess The Language
Beyond teaching new words and phrases to your kids, this game is a great way to introduce the concept of multiculturalism by exposing kids to the different languages and cultures.
The rules are simple. In a variety of languages, write common phrases such as “home,” “I love you,” or “thank you” on blank flash cards. Allow each child to pick a card. Have them read the phrase on the card (or read it for them) and let everyone in the family take turns guessing which language it is.
Whoever guesses correctly keeps the card. The family member with the most cards at the end wins!
Simon Says: International Style
Simon Says has been a staple of homes, schools, and camps for decades. The premise is simple. Simon (the leader) instructs everyone to do a variety of tasks that range from touching their head to stomping their feet. If a direction starts with “Simon says,” players should obey. If it doesn’t, no one should move. Anyone who follows directions not prefaced with “Simon says” is out. Last player standing wins.
Adding a dose of language learning to the game is as simple as tossing in a few phrases in the target language. Rather than Simon giving the command to run in English, give it in French or Spanish. Kids will be so busy having fun, they won’t realize how much they’re learning!
Family Scavenger Hunt
Easy and fun for the whole family, creating a multilingual scavenger hunt doesn’t have to be complex. Simply hide objects throughout the house and use your child’s target language to write simple clues on flashcards. Explain to your kids that each object they find will count as one treasure. Whoever collects the most treasures at the end of the game wins.
Involve the whole family in fun language learning games and watch excitement grow as kids discover the joy of learning and laughing at the same time!